Thursday, March 3

Stupid Birds

Well, I had an earlier post about Angry Birds... and now I am mad at some stupid birds, so I guess this is an appropriate follow on to my previous post.

Yesterday morning, I woke up to some especially loud bird calls. At 6AM. This was obviously not pleasant for me, and it sounded like there were a million birds outside of my window. I'm assuming they were on their migratory route for the spring, but they could have been a bit more courteous. Tossing and turning in bed for about an hour, I finally gave in and got up. Stupid birds.

As I go outside to my car for my morning commute, I notice that the birds decided to sit in the tree that hangs right over my car. I'm sure I don't have to go into detail about how disgusting my car looked -- you can just imagine that for yourself. The windshield was covered, to the extent that the windshield washer fluid wasn't really that effective... so I just looked between the splats of bird poo to drive. I'm sure that everyone on my way was looking at my car wondering what in the world happened and why I hadn't washed it, but oh well.

I arrived at work and decided that a car wash was completely necessary. On my lunch break, I went to one of those automatic car washers. Sadly, my $10 was almost completely wasted -- barely effective at all. I got back to Goddard (where I work), and the security guys at the gate made a comment about my car... Apparently they had noticed how horrible it looked when I left, and they told me I should go get it washed. Even though I just had it washed 2 minutes before that! They also recommended that I not park in the spot where it happened again, but it is right in front of my house, so that's not really feasible. This is still a relatively new car, so I would like to keep it nice. But I definitely wasn't willing to waste another $10 to go through the wash again. I don't know what those birds have been eating, but this is not normal. Stupid birds.

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