Thursday, August 25

Arrival in Bean Town

So, I'll admit it. I was trying really hard to stay blog-active this month, but it really didn't work out. There are a lot of reasons for this, but the primary one is that I just picked up and moved to Boston!

I'll post a little more about the area of the city I'm in during another post, but I would like to say that I'm very excited that I am fully moved in, except for 3 boxes! My dad helped me move up here on the 15th, and since then I have been working really hard to get everything organized and put away -- while at the same time working my full-time job remotely.

I can tell just from my few experiences at the grocery stores in Boston that food is going to be a real challenge for me here. Since I have prices for a lot of products memorized for what was a "good" price is in Virginia, there will need to be some change in expectations. I'm used to going through the weekly circular and picking out items that are about 50% off, and then using a coupon on top of that when I can. Here, it seems like food sales are not actually a bargain, and not much is on sale. It will definitely be an adventure figuring out where to shop.

My apartment situation is a bit unorthodox (in a good way!), and thankfully one of my first meals was made by my landlord's wife. She is an Italian-born immigrant, so her pasta was amazing! :) Plus, I didn't have any food yet, so I really appreciated a home-cooked meal.



  1. Cool! That looks good. Hope you figure out your couponing system soon ;)

  2. And I am glad they are taking care of you. Don't forget to stop into Reginas!
